EXHAUSTION met for General Assembly

The EXHAUSTION team met for one and a half days of discussions and updates on the ongoing work on quantifying the health effects of climate change from extreme heat and air pollution (including from wildfires).

The EXHAUSTION team gathered in London 31 May- 1 June 2022. All photos: Amund Aasbrenn, CICERO

EXHAUSTION coordinator Kristin Aunan, CICERO

Lead exposure and impact on health Alexandra Schneider, HMGU

Lead on the projections of climate and air pollution, Ulas Im, Aarhus University.

Lead on the socio-economic impacts and benefits of adaptation and mitigation, Marc Suhrcke, LISER


Thanks to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine for hosting the meeting in London. Thanks also to Sir Andy Haines from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine who held a key note on the outcomes of COP26 and prospects for COP27.